
Ketamine is the first rapid-acting antidepressant and legal psychedelic that has been designated as breakthrough therapy by the FDA.


Image of a connectome. Psychedelics help repair connectomes that are damaged in certain mental health disorders. Courtesy of the Laboratory of Human Imaging and Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Consortium of the Human Connectome Project


Ketamine treatment room at Cascade Psychedelic Medicine


Waiting Room at Cascade Psychedelic Medicine


Medical equipment passed down through Dr. Mehr’s family


CPM offers personalized psychedelic IV ketamine infusions supported by live instrumental sound healing.

What will it feel like?

Before you receive the medicine, we’ll settle in and use special natural aromas, lighting, meditative live instruments, and intentional breathing to help you enter a relaxed and receptive state of mind. You will lie in our comfortable zero-gravity recliner with a blanket, pillow, and/or eye shade as desired.

In combination with the medication, this calm, receptive state will help you be present with subtle energies both inside of and around you.

You will typically receive the ketamine as an IV infusion, which allows us to control the intensity of the experience in real time. As the medicine takes effect, you may enter an extraordinary state of being that many people describe as a blissful waking dream. We can tailor your experience by starting out slowly and going deeper as you are ready.

While every session is different, you may experience your “self” from a different perspective, perhaps even separate from your body. You may understand things about yourself in a new way. You may allow yourself to let certain things go as you develop a new sense of self. You may feel connected to others and the world around you in a new way. You may develop a healthier understanding of past events and a brighter outlook for the future.

We’ll continue to use sound therapy throughout your session to enhance your experience. As the medicine wears off, you’ll slowly return to your usual consciousness.

Am I eligible?

We are currently treating clients 18 years and older who have an established diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder and have already tried at least two standard psychiatric medications (treatment-resistant depression), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and/or PTSD.

Clinical safety data for psychedelic treatments are evolving, and we are following the literature closely. Our Integrators are also generally not on site. For these reasons, we are not currently treating clients with certain complex mental health conditions. The following medical conditions will also affect your eligibility: uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, aneurysms, strokes, severe respiratory disease, among others. We will review your intake forms and request records from your mental health and medical providers to help determine eligibility.

You will not be eligible for treatment if you are receiving ketamine in any form from another provider.

How often are the sessions?

Your treatment begins with an induction phase: two sessions per week over three weeks. While each session lasts 3-4 hours, the ketamine and its metabolites continue to circulate in your body between sessions, reinforcing healthier neural circuits and providing durable improvement in your function and mood. Dr. Mehr is currently conducting all induction sessions.

The first three months after induction is the optimization phase, during which we customize your schedule until you feel in harmony with your new state of mind. Sessions are spaced out at least every two weeks. Over the long term, we will continue to monitor your progress and offer periodic booster treatments (at least one month apart) as part of your maintenance phase.

Psychedelic medicine empowers you to determine when it’s time to reconnect with treatment. We will coordinate your treatments with your integrator or therapist to maximize the long-term healing benefits.

What else is ketamine good for?

We specialize in treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD but ketamine is also used to treat chronic pain syndromes. We are closely following current research using ketamine to treat other conditions such as OCD, substance abuse, eating disorders, and autism.

We practice in partnership with the expanding scientific and medical community that is exploring and promoting only the safest and most effective ways to use psychedelic medicine to heal mind, body, spirit, and our society at large.

Can I have a “bad trip”?

With very careful preparation, in combination with our optimized setting, most experiences are quite pleasant.

However, difficult or unpleasant themes may arise as your mind works through the healing process. Themes such as trauma, abuse, abandonment, shame, and grief are often felt more through a lens of compassion and acceptance than fear or anger. This can help transform your relationship to past events and allow for meaningful healing.

Both blissful and challenging experiences can facilitate transformation, offer insights into your mental health, and serve as valuable tools for ongoing therapy and integration work.

By communicating and collaborating during the session, we can adjust the intensity of your ketamine experience. This allows you to get deeper into the medicine at your own pace and offers an immediate way to lessen the intensity or stop the experience if necessary.

Is it safe?

Yes. Safety begins with our screening process. We will review your medical and mental health history, obtain additional records for more detailed information, and discuss your health and any potential risks in detail at your preparation visit. Our clinic is equipped with maximal safety and monitoring equipment including pulse oximetry, blood pressure, heart rate, and cardiac monitoring as needed. We have oxygen, suction, advanced airway equipment, an AED and full crash cart available at all times. Your provider does not leave your side throughout the 2 hour experience.

Ketamine is on the World Health Organization’s Model List of Essential Medicines and has an excellent safety record.

For decades, ketamine has been used widely for anesthesia at much higher doses than used in this setting. Cascade Psychedelic Medicine offers the safest possible ketamine experience and we pride ourselves on our robust safety and monitoring protocols.

Ketamine is safe to receive in combination with most commonly prescribed medications, including SSRIs. We will discuss any potential medication interactions in detail during the screening process.

How much does it cost?

The cost is $235 for the preparation visit and $685 for each ketamine session. Ketamine infusions are currently an off-label treatment with variable insurance coverage. We accept direct payment only and can provide you with a superbill to submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement.

Sliding scale rates are available to those who provide proof of taxable income (line 15 on IRS Form 1040) less than $80,000 annually.

Is ketamine addictive?

As a patient of CPM, you will be monitored carefully and your sessions will be spread out over safe intervals. We do not prescribe ketamine for home use. Ketamine does have potential for abuse and addiction when used recreationally and in an unsupervised manner.

Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a formal referral. However, we will review the most recent notes from your primary mental health provider to determine if you have a qualifying diagnosis. We view ketamine as a complementary component of your journey towards better mental health and will collaborate with your whole team.